Víctor Sánchez (Víctor Sánchez del Amo), Spain - 49 years

Have you find the right Víctor Sánchez? We have 2 players named Víctor Sánchez, see them all here.

Víctor Sánchez (Spain) has never succeeded in becoming the top scorer in a league but was part of the top-20 list of scorers in La Liga 1998/1999.

He was born on 23 February 1976, and the place of birth was Madrid, Spain and the position he normally occupied on the football field was as right midfielder. Totally Víctor Sánchez played 8 games for his national team. He stopped playing professional football in 2008.

Víctor Sánchez top scorer list postions

League, Team Season Goals Position Age Winner/leader
La Liga
16 23 Raúl

Víctor Sánchez (Víctor Sánchez del Amo) hat-tricks

Here you find 2 hat-tricks that Víctor Sánchez (Víctor Sánchez del Amo) have scored over the years.

League Match and date Goals
La Liga 2003/2004
Celta Vigo - Deportivo La Coruña - 0-5
3 january 2004
42', 71', 80'
La Liga 1998/1999
Racing Santander - Salamanca - 4-1
15 november 1998
43', 55', 73'

Information about Víctor Sánchez

Player position
Right midfielder
Date of birth
23 February 1976
Place of birth
Madrid, Spain
183 cm
National team caps
Source: Wikipedia

Note that this is top scorer data we have in our database. Víctor Sánchez (Víctor Sánchez del Amo, born 1976) might be part of top scorer lists in other leagues we don't have here, or seasons we don't have in our database yet.