Gustavo (Gustavo Santos Costa), Brazil - 28 years

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Gustavo, Brazil has during the ongoing season been part of the list of top scorers but have never placed in the top 20 when the season was over. At this moment, he is at position 8 in the top scorer list in Fußball-Bundesliga.

Gustavo Santos Costa, which is his full name, is a player who mostly plays at the position of forward. He is 28 years old today, born on 25 June 1996 in Sergipe, Brazil.

Gustavo top scorer list postions

* Current ongoing season

League, Team Season Goals Position Age Winner/leader
8 28 Mika Biereth and Ronivaldo

Information about Gustavo

Complete name
Gustavo Santos Costa
Player position
Date of birth
25 June 1996
Place of birth
Sergipe, Brazil
180 cm
Source: Wikipedia

Note that this is top scorer data we have in our database. Gustavo (Gustavo Santos Costa, born 1996) might be part of top scorer lists in other leagues we don't have here, or seasons we don't have in our database yet.