Adriano (Adriano Ferreira Martins), Brazil - 43 years

Have you find the right Adriano? We have 4 players named Adriano, see them all here.

Adriano (Brazil) has never succeeded in becoming the top scorer in a league but was part of the top-20 list of scorers in J1 League 2010.

${playerName} full name is Adriano Ferreira Martins and his birth date was 21 January 1982 and thereby he is 43 years old right now. His normal position is striker.

Adriano top scorer list postions

League, Team Season Goals Position Age Winner/leader
J1 League
5 28 Joshua Kennedy and Ryoichi Maeda

Adriano (Adriano Ferreira Martins) hat-trick

Here you find one hat-trick that Adriano (Adriano Ferreira Martins) have scored.

League Match and date Goals
J1 League 2010 Cerezo Osaka - Júbilo Iwata - 6-2
4 december 2010
24', 29', 55', 59'

Information about Adriano

Complete name
Adriano Ferreira Martins
Player position
Date of birth
21 January 1982
178 cm
Source: Wikipedia

Note that this is top scorer data we have in our database. Adriano (Adriano Ferreira Martins, born 1982) might be part of top scorer lists in other leagues we don't have here, or seasons we don't have in our database yet.